The Black Crest Man and Thoughts on Masculine Toxicity

The Black Crest Man and Thoughts on Masculine Toxicity

Posted by Black Crest Apparel on Sep 25th 2024

Toxic masculinity, often referred to as male toxicity, is a social issue that stems from narrow and harmful expectations placed on men to conform to certain behaviors and attitudes. These expectations can lead to behaviors that are harmful to both men themselves and those around them. Understanding toxic masculinity and learning how to avoid toxic behaviors is crucial for promoting healthier relationships and a healthier future for men and society alike.

The concept of the Black Crest man is one of modern masculinity. Standing proudly for the basic tenets of masculinity while discarding negative stereotypes surrounding the concept of being “a man.” We, at Black Crest, see this as a fusion of modern-day societal requirements fused with some more traditional ones. Many of the opponents to this concept will say that the key aspects of toxic masculinity are the pressures on men to adhere to traditional gender roles that emphasize dominance, aggression, and emotional suppression. They will say that this can lead to behaviors such as misogyny, homophobia, aggression, and an inability to express vulnerability or seek help when needed. In practice, the Black Crest man seeks to exude the most positive version of masculinity, and this excludes misogyny, homophobia, and includes the ability to be vulnerable when appropriate. 

When it comes to dominance and aggression, this becomes more nuanced. The Black Crest man’s ability to stand in contravention of wanton harm and protect those that can’t is key to our version of masculinity. Aggression is a “tool in the toolbox” that every man should have. It is in the practice of this tool that makes it just or toxic. If we are always seeking to better ourselves and those around us, to protect and defend our beliefs and the rights of others, a man must be capable of standing up to these evils when necessary. We contend that this is key to the nature of man and necessary to the gender at its core.

To avoid being toxic, it's essential for men to live by the tenants outlined above:
1. Our rights end where another’s begins;
2. Understand your personal values and stand up for them;
3. Service is the key to a well lived life;
4. It is our duty to show empathy and stand up for those that cannot protect themselves.

These tenants under the umbrella of provider and protector form the foundation for healthy modern masculinity. Always engaging in self-reflection and being open to feedback from others can help individuals identify and address possibly toxic behaviors in themselves. Promoting a healthy and modern masculinity involves embracing qualities such as empathy, respect, emotional intelligence, and effective communication.

Ultimately, understanding modern masculinity and how to refine oneself through behavior requires continuous introspection, education, physical fitness, and active efforts to create positive change in our world which defines the Black Crest man’s goal of personal and community elevation. The Black Crest man understands that ego and narcissism live in all of us gender irrespective. Curbing these qualities while following the tenants outlined above makes for a lifelong goal and provides your peers and younger generations with an elevated masculine example to follow.